Ck2 agot reddit submods
Ck2 agot reddit submods

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They're guaranteed to have high opinions of each other and their stats make them both a very capable partnership.

  • Bash Brothers: Ned and Robert in Robert's Rebellion.
  • If you play your cards right, you can even make the Starks as a house cease to exist.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: You can play the Lannisters, the Boltons, the Greyjoys, and any other villain you can think of, and make sure they come out on top.
  • See Laser-Guided Karma and Video Game Cruelty Punishment for examples. But being a callous douche to your vassals is just going to make your reign and road to power extremely difficult.
  • Being Good Sucks / Being Evil Sucks: As with the base game and the setting of the mod, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, with it being hard to take power without being fairly selfish and ruthless about it, and with enemies, rivals in particular, happily taking advantage of your mercy to plot another day.
  • It will take player intervention for him to bounce back from this. He's exiled to Essos, he has both the Kinslayer and the Excommunicated Trait, and he is disinherited.
  • Badass Decay: Tyrion in the A Feast of Crows bookmark.
  • Badass Bookworm: Tyrion, being that he has the Scholar Trait.
  • Battle Couple: Daenerys and Young Griff in the last two bookmarks, if the player chooses so.
  • However, the player can retake the land that was lost.
  • Back from the Brink: In any starting scenario after the fall of Sarnor bookmark the Sarnori will have had their kingdom crushed by the Dothraki and reduced to the city of Saath.
  • #Ck2 agot reddit submods free

    Ditto with the Free Folk, pirates and corsairs, who can invade and take your or anyone else's territory via the right of "I got more men than you".Just be careful, because even dragons can be killed. Why? Because anyone who objects can take it up with your dragon. Appeal to Force: If you have a dragon, "rights" and "claims" mean nothing and you can declare war wherever you please.This is likely for the best as a good deal of the major characters would be underage rulers and thus, controlled by regents.

    #Ck2 agot reddit submods mod

    Age Lift: While the mod is mostly based on the books, the ages are closer to the TV series.If Raiding is set to unrestricted (allowing any army to become raiders, not just Ironborn and Dothraki) then the normally peaceful Summer Isles almost always become vicious, raiding any wealthy coastal counties and often denying your demands of reparations.Due to how the AI functions in regards to claims, Robb Stark or any of his siblings are likely to war against Edmure Tully for the Riverlands, despite it being totally against character.The Northmen will also be more inclined to assassinations and plots than they would be in canon, and it's perfectly possible to have Ned Stark or other characters engaging in tyrannous behaviour under AI control. Adaptational Villainy: Due to game mechanics, Theon will never have his Heel Realisation, and instead remains with the Ironborn if he survives A Clash Of Kings.Roose Bolton has a quite high opinion of Robb, so it's unlikely that he will plot against him (unless you are playing as him, of course).With some luck, you can even turn them into genuine heroes. it's perfectly possible to have the two and others turn out to be relatively decent people. Through careful education, avoidance of the crueler decisions, etc. Adaptational Heroism: Generally speaking, players will be likely to eschew the Stupid Evil actions of Joffrey or Ramsay out of pragmatism alone, unless roleplay is being attempted.Alternatively, Aegon can forgo going after Westeros and attempt to forge a new empire in Essos but. He doesn't even have to lose Rhaenys and her dragon. Thanks to the game's mechanics, it is very easy for Aegon the Conqueror to defeat Dorne, the one kingdom he couldn't bring down in canon.

    Ck2 agot reddit submods